In the years since Rockfish Camp and Retreat Center has been established as a summer camp, many things have changed, however one has remained the same; Camp Rockfish is a place where the Lord is alive. From the moment you walk onto campus, you not only see the buildings, playgrounds, and high adventure area, but you also sense the genuine presence of God ready to encourage, comfort, and strengthen those who are receptive.
We believe the projects listed below will not only help us continue to grow as the go-to retreat and conference center in our area, but most importantly further our mission of helping people experience, grow in, and share the love of God through Jesus Christ. God's leading and your faithfulness are what will make these dreams a reality.
Each picture and text will answer the following questions:
Plan -What needs to be done?
Purpose- Why are we doing this?
Projected Cost- How much will it cost?
Priority- What is the timeline of the project?

New Lake Toys
Plan: Purchase Lake Toys
Purpose: Prepare for the Return of Lake Upchurch
Projected Cost: $6,000
Priority: Spring 2020

Fishing Docks and Reparing the Ark
Plan: Rebuild Fishing Docks and Repair the Ark
Purpose: Prepare for the Return of Lake Upchurch
Projected Cost: $8,000
Priority: Spring 2020

Add Zipline and Rope Swing over Lake
Plan: Add a Zipline and Rope swing over the lake for campers to enjoy God's world while having plenty of fun.
Purpose: Prepare for the Return of Lake Upchurch
Projected Cost: $2,000
Priority: Spring 2020

Safe Swim Area
Plan: Create a swim area with appropriate rope and flotation
Purpose: Prepare for the Return of Lake Upchurch
Projected Cost: $1,000
Priority: Spring 2020

Bathrooms for Cabins
Plan: Add Bathrooms complete with septic, toilet, sink, and shower to the existing cabins
Purpose: Allow for closeness to the bathroom for guests
Projected Cost: $10,000 a cabin
Priority: 2021

Bike Barn
Plan: Extended equipment shed
Purpose: Safe storage and maintenance of growing activity
Projected Cost: $15,000
Priority: 2020

Paintball Expansion
Plan: Build a Tower and Pavilion for paintball area
Purpose: Increase difference and difficulty in our paintball area
Projected Cost: $3,000
Priority: Spring 2020

Porches for A-Frame Cabins
Plan: Build porches onto the A-Frame Cabins
Purpose: Meeting space and protection for campers
Projected Cost: $1000
Priority: God's Time

Animal Farm
Plan: Create a garden and animal farm for the Environmental Education Program
Purpose: Teach children hands on about the world around them
Projected Cost: $15,000
Priority: Spring 2021

Carolina Building Expansion
Plan: Triple the size of the Carolina Building
Purpose: Meet the growing needs of the Afterschool Program
Projected Cost: $35,000
Priority: 2021

Road to Reforestation
Plan: Create a Road to access Environmental education areas
Purpose: Will provide access for Environmental Education Programing and land stewardship
Projected Cost: $15,000
Priority: Spring 2020

Plan: Pave Main road from Davis Bridge to Office
Purpose: To attract more visitors who may be steered away by our bumpy dirt road that gets washed out and muddy often.
Projected Cost: $200,000
Priority: God's Time

Lodge Renovation
Plan: Renovate current Lodge building
Purpose: Transform the Lodge into a quality conference center
Projected Cost: $25,000
Priority: 2020

Alpine Village
Plan: Create Treehouse village, and engaging lodging experiences
Purpose: Add three treehouses and one elevated meeting house, tied together with bridges, additional stairs, electricity making this village all-weather
Projected Cost: $45,000
Priority: God's Time

Office Update
Plan: Create covered porches for the Log Cabin and Offices
Purpose: To create a out of the weather area for guests to enjoy
Projected Cost: $6000
Priority: God's Time

Plan: Build a full-size gym and welcome center between the Dining Hall and Office area
Purpose: Create a multi-purpose space for Camp Rockfish guests to enjoy
Projected Cost: $1.5 Million
Priority: God's Time

Environmental Education Building
Plan: Construct a building to house the Environmental Education Program
Purpose: Create a building that can be used by campers and school groups to learn more about the world around them
Projected Cost: $60,000
Priority: God's Time

New Small Lodge
Plan: Build a small lodge to house 40 to 50 adult guests
Purpose: To compensate for the influx of adult visitors we have during the year
Projected Cost: $90,000
Priority: 2022

The Point
Plan: Build porches, covered walks, and landscaping
Purpose: Provide worship and gathering space for large groups and events
Projected Cost: $20,000
Priority: God's Time