Ages 12-13
Picking the right camp for your child can be difficult.
Camp Rockfish embraces the outdoors for all our programs. Encounter campers are outside all day, and Resident campers will be outside for all their activities.
Rockfish keeps small group sizes with no more than 12 campers in a group.
The activities, worship, challenge, growth and team building are geared for campers looking for an even more exciting and engaging way to spend their summer days while still connecting with home. Campers will participate in exciting activities from zip lines to kayaks, the mud walk to the group challenge course and much more!
The highlight of the week is a special overnight experience on Wednesday night when campers stay the night and participate in evening programming including worship and dinner. In the morning, campers have breakfast alongisde our resident campers prior to going about another day of exciting Encounter programming.
June 2-6, 9-13, 16-20, 23-27 June 30-July 3 July 7-11, 14-18, 21-25 July 28-August 1, August 11-15

Resident Camp
Our overnight resident camp provides a weeklong experience where campers will bond, grow and challenge themselves. Campers will begin each day with devotion and end it with a camp-wide activity! In between, our enthusiastic counselors will lead the groups in crafts, swimming, target sports, group games, prayer, and much more!
Each day we will dive deeper into our summer theme: Knock on the Door.
June 1-6, 15-20, 22-27 July 6-July 11, 20-25
Night Owls
Like to stay up late? Prefer to wake up closer to lunch than breakfast? Want to go swimming at night? How about moonlit archery? Then, Night Owls is for you! Campers will take part in many of the same activities as traditional campers- like camp-wide games, worship and high ropes- but even more activities after dark. This provides a unique opportunity to play under the stars and is geared towards those who are night owls instead of early birds.